Sunday, April 26, 2015

Day 10 - mile 115.0 to 131.5, 16.5 miles

Awake at 0530, start hiking at 0620. Next destination is trail angel Mike's house for water. The skies are slightly overcast perfect hiking temperature, yet we are moving like sloths. I have it in my head that I need to get more than half our miles in before noon, but its not working out today. Our bodies are tired. We make it to trail angel mike's house around 1:30 (I think). Lots of people.hanging out. Mike is only there occasionally, so he's created a hangout place for hikers, water, coolers with beer and soda on your honor payment, laundry detergent, buckets,drying line. Recycling etc... It's crazy how nice people are! No beers left when we got there, but I managed to snag a root beer and washed my T-shirt and socks.

It was fun hanging out with hiker trash, of course, except there was a loudmouth sexist asshat there that literally within minutes had me hating him, and then he just kept on rolling, insulting women, including service women, asking why the hell anybody would bring their wives (like it wasn't our idea, and as if we hadn't done the same f'ing miles, and as if we were even wives!) Well, you get the picture. It never stopped. Guess those guys are everywhere, but I can't fire them out here. Just have to adjust my hiking times to avoid them. It did mean I didn't get to hang out with some friends that night as he tagged along, but its a long trail, and I know I'm not the only one who doesn't want to hang out with him.

Oh right, what was I talking about? Middle school? Thru hiking is like living in a small, but always moving town :)

Hike hike hike to mile 131.5. Still no blisters, still no trail name :) sleepy sleepy.

Pictures on instagram

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