Sunday, April 26, 2015

Day 13, "nero"? Idyllwild, 8 mile alternate walk

After a long morning in our house we shared with our super awesome badassed friends, we were off like a herd of turtles at the late late hour of 8:30./seeing as it was Saturday in a Tourist town, I tried to secure a room for the night. Easier said that done, but we found someone willing to take a few hours worth of overtime pay off our hands. Then a quick cup of coffee and a pastry turned into a full breakfast and hiker bullshitting...Antsy antsy ansty.  Weather still kind of craptastic...thumb out and ten minutes later a ride halfway down the mountain, then another ride 5 minutes later the rest of the way to Lake Hemet. Crazy stupid idiot naive ignorant young PCT hikers on the part of the highway with no shoulder.  I know these 20yearolds have smart phones and all the latest apps, so why is it only the "old" people can find the alternate routes? Ugh, the locals are all scared for the poor dumb hikers :(

Back on track, turn off at Hurley creek campground, tromp through wet grass to find mountain bike path.. Feet soaking and cold, but not too bad..turn off onto sn old closed dirt road, walk through mist, rain, fog, wind through burn area. Cant see a damn thing, but beautiful. Rain and cold intensifies all the time.  Robin inexplicably starts vomiting a bit, hence our private trail name "cat vomit" :) (grant is shit barf based off a random graffiti sticker that said "shit barf" we think it's hilarious because you know, we are pretty crusty and juevenile.  Hahahaha oh wait, yes, the walking becomes a tad burdensome and a bit wearisome. F'ing cold and wet is what we are. We don't add layers as its "just another hour to the hotel room!" Yeah, ummm... Cold, over it. Only 8ish miles, but a long hard day

Room a bit rustic, no real heater, shower runs out of hot water...woops!  Definite real zero tomorrow. So happy we walked it though!  Yay day two insomnia. Town is hard.

By the way, after we move in, the rain becomes insane!!! INSANE!! Cold mountain downpour. Poor souls are out there in it :(  also, earthquake in Nepal. The world has a funny way of making our trials and tribulations trivial and small.



  1. in the rainy pic w/ your tongue sticking out: what purpose does the orange clip on your hood serve?

  2. I was doing some research online when I found the link to your Lycian Way Archive. Great stuff btw, I got absorbed into reading it page after page. It made me feel like I was on the trail. I was impressed with the amount of work put into it.
    You mentioned in your post about being frustrated at one point and wanting to quit because of getting misguided information. Much of the data available is up to 15 years old (along with the trail markers) and not always reliable. Well a few of have taken the liberty of mapping out the Lycian Way and posted the data (for free!) on This wouldn't be possible without the support of the trekking community who constantly update and improve the data.
    We also designed a mobile app to assist people along the trail. It's a pretty nifty tool that really does a great job of keeping you on the trail correctly.
    Grant & Robin I think it would be great if you were to check out what we have built. We would really appreciate your feedback as your expertise would be a benefit to making our community-driven project even better.


Keep it clean. Don't be mean.